The ultimate battle against the Amityville curse begins after the infamous murder house is exorcised from Earth and reappears in outer space in...
Amityville in Space
Colt Cory is the Man With No Pants, a wanted outlaw who is out for Revenge against his old partner The Shogun. Colt is forced to compete in a...
The Man With No Pants
Slade Collins must travel back in time to save the woman he loves and put a stop to an evil Nazi plan to conquer the world.
Slade Collins In and Out of Time
Cassia, a young naïve girl who is pure of heart, has been chosen to be the last Vestal of Light and must set off on a quest to seal away the...
Radiant Dark
A UFO lands on Earth, unleashing a giant monster that is half lizard, half gorilla - Zillafoot! The monster rampages, decimating any military...
A young woman and her friends are threatened by an ancient witch's curse when they stop in the town of Amityville to check in on her sickly...
Amityville Death House
To regain his strength, Dracula, the king of vampires, has returned to his native soil and his castle in the Carpathian Mountains. While there, he...
Tales of Dracula
An alien invasion is caught in the surveillance cameras of an office building during a weekend work party.
Alien Surveillance