Valentin, a 9-year-old boy living with his grandmother in late-1960s Buenos Aires, believes his family has problems that only he can solve. The...
Set in Argentina in 1965, the story follows the tumultuous relationship between two men who became lovers and ultimately ruthless bank robbers in a...
Burnt Money
As an anonymous man, Fermin leaves his underground hideout in the subway. The dictatorship in the country is followed by democracy, but the bright...
Secret Wedding
When rancher Alberto meets "Fanny", a sheep on his farm, a love is born and Baa-aa-ad things begin happening.
The romance of two migrants in Buenos Aires intercut with documentary footage of early '70s Argentina.
People in Buenos Aires
Alfredo loses his job as a film critic after twenty years working for the same newspaper. His work mates have been trying to help him for a year...
La cruz
This drama is based on a novel and incomplete screenplay by the late Maria Luis Bemberg. In 1930s Argentina, wealthy Sebastian (Antonio Birabent)...
The Impostor
José is a young journalist who gets fired over refusing to write an article about an American film crew, overdramatizing the situation in...
Love Is a Fat Woman
The life of an advertising model, since she is discovered by a producer, until she decides to move away from the advertising environment.
The brigade agents are ready for another dangerous mission and must fight a group of ninjas.
Explosive Brigade Against the Ninjas
Miguel steals a trick from a magic book and becomes a world-renowned magician. However, the idea of the public discovering that this...
The Act in Question
Four independent short stories but they have in common that they happen in Buenos Aires during legislative elections. A candidate for deputy, Carlos...
Bad Times
This is Buenos Aires, its characters, its history, its reality. A complex movie for a complex city, depicted in the character's language, and in...
Buenos Aires viceversa
A woman reunites with her husband, who vanished on her years ago.
A Less Bad World
Soledad, a girl tired of being a taxi driver in Buenos Aires, travels with her car to Patagonia. She stops in a village whose inhabitants live in...
Wind with the Gone
Laurita, a 40-year-old woman, accepts taboos of all kinds. In the search for an identity, she goes from one man to another, from the present to the...
Los amores de Laurita