A girl's dream in King Arthur's world, a land populated by valiant knights, beautiful fairies, little elves and monsters to be defeated. A world of...
The Secret of Joy
A taut reinvention of vampire lore, Shadowland opens in modern day North America, where construction workers uncover an old stone cross and what...
Maniac Miki follows Miki and his friends as they grapple with reality after being cast away from a world of magic and unfulfilled dreams. Now...
Maniac Miki
Inspired by true events, "The 86" highlights the activities of a band of 86 street thugs that were famous for their strong presence in the venezuelan...
The 86
In the face of bigotry, a young immigrant to St. Louis struggles to obtain true strength through martial arts while overcoming the demons of his...
A Paper Tiger Burns
An American film producer comes to Venezuela to film a movie called "Suddenly, the movie." He hires a Venezuelan director to direct the film that is...
De repente, la película
A rookie cop under great pressure decides to steal an armored truck to save his life and also to expose the corruption that exists in the City Hall....
Eugenio is a real state salesman who's facing a middle life crisis. Cornered by his boss's demands, his girlfriend, and his co workers, he decides to...
El tercer deseo