Barbara is an Italian actress, superstar, who comes to Argentina to star in her own musical. She meets a photographer named Mauro and falls in love...
A television network infiltrates an inept employee (Porcel) in the competition and he begins to ruin all the programs but, instead of subtracting...
Te rompo el rating
Alberto and Jorge are employees of a pharmacy. One day, by mistake, they give a client a bottle of poison in exchange for a medication that she had...
Expertos en pinchazos
Everything happens in Dr. Tristán's office when he closes the door. The most attractive women are stripped naked to be examined by the expert...
Experto en Ortología
Las locuras del extraterrestre
Jorge is a photographer for a newspaper, from which he is fired. He then begins to work in a detective agency, where he is assigned the mission of...
Custodio de señoras