This is a story about how family can impact the growth of a young woman. It follows Elaine, who grew up in poverty in the 1980’s, and her best...
Lonely Eighteen
In Hong Kong, a vigilante serial killer leaves death notices, stating when and how he will murder a victim. Even if the victim reports it to the...
Death Notice
A chief inspector in the anti-narcotics unit holds true to his beliefs as a police officer. He puts everything on the line to crack down on drugs and...
Bursting Point
Phone Made Good Film No.4
Acadana Dreaming
Hung and Bobo struggle with their newly marriage and sex life, and things get complicated when a mystery girl steps in their marriage. On the other...
S for Sex, S for Secrets
Chef Aaron's claypot rice is excellent, but unpopular among customers. Feeling very depressed, he drowned his sorrows in alcohol every day, which...
Big Wok Chef
Realising that he will be defeated in no time during a police showdown, a thug shoots himself to force the cops to cease fire and take him to the...
In 1990, Neurologist Lam Sik Ka and his former flame suffer from the generational sleep curse that rooted in their both families war engagement...
The Sleep Curse
An absentee father and his bipolar son are forced to live together as they struggle with a recent family tragedy. The tension and anxiety boil as...
Mad World
The movie features three ghost stories set in Hong Kong, beginning with Vivian, who, after moving into a new place, gets involved in spooky incidents...
Ghost Net
An ageing bachelor playboy finally meets the girl of his dreams and proposes marriage, only to discover her psychologist stepmom was his first love...
A Beautiful Moment
Jamie re-encounters his old school friend, Kevin, who has been suffering from depression, and must make a choice between following his heart or...
I Miss You When I See You
Only after an ambitious property agent, Charlie, joins a successful agency run by a rich couple, Gordon and Lucy, did he realise the horrific secret...
Buyer Beware
After her father died, a Hong Kong girl discovers she has two hitherto unknown sisters, one in Taiwan and one in China. To settle her father's debt,...
After hastily married the anti-gambling Jing, pathological gambler Ching attends a recovery workshop, but still struggles to resist her urges. Soon...
My Best Bet