During World War II, hard-luck farmer Colvis Nevels leaves his rural Kentucky home to take a factory job in bustling Detroit. Reluctantly...
The Dollmaker
UNREQUITED is a psychological thriller and tells the story of Ben Jacobs, a troubled young man who, on his 18th birthday, has to leave the group home...
19-year-old Billy Lynn is brought home for a victory tour after a harrowing Iraq battle. Through flashbacks the film shows what really happened to...
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
In 1931, the Bondurant brothers of Franklin County, Virginia, run a multipurpose backwoods establishment that hides their true business —...
Incarcerated women join a band of volunteers who battle forest fires and assist during natural disasters.
Investigator reporter Abbey Fisher always thought she wanted the traditional American Dream: a husband and children of her own. When life and...
A Dance for Bethany
Mike Kersjes is a special-education teacher and football coach in Michigan. Mike doesn’t talk down to his "special" students. He respects them,...
A Smile as Big as the Moon
Janet Gregory, a single mother with a haunting past, is a paralegal struggling to overcome doubts about Calvin Willis, an African-American husband...
The Wronged Man
The incredibly powerful and timely true story of the all-black Twenty-Fourth United States Infantry Regiment, and the Houston Riot of 1917. The...
The 24th
Joshua Steed returns to Missouri a wealthy man with a beautiful wife; however, the past has a way of catching up. Soon Joshua is tangled in a web of...
The Work and the Glory III: A House Divided
When Benjamin Steed and Mary Ann Steed relocate their family to upstate New York in the early 1800's, they unwittingly settle in a town divided along...
The Work and the Glory
A botched store robbery places Wonder Woman in a global battle against a powerful and mysterious ancient force that puts her powers in jeopardy.
Wonder Woman 1984