The story starts as a seemingly simple crime of passion, Jimmy, the persistent suitor, is stabbed to death by Salome, the young and pretty wife of...
Sa Piling ng mga Sugapa
A witty sex comedy about two young cousins who trade places for their courtship strategies which end up hilarious.
Based on the true story of film actress Ina Balin and her efforts with American Red Cross volunteer Betty Tisdale, as well as a compassionate...
The Children of An Lac
Lydia, a prostitute, is caught between the love of her long-time partner, Sidro, who is a hired gun, and George Grace, an American soldier stationed...
Corazon Rivera is a factory worker in a textile company owned by Cynthia Ocampo's family. Her live-in partner and co-worker, Robert de Asis, is an...
Nakaw na Pag-ibig
A 1982 drama by Lino Brocka set in the world of boxing, starring Phillip Salvador, Vic Vargas and Chanda Romero.
In This Corner