War breaks out worldwide. In desperation world leaders engage Biological weapons, which quickly mutate and cause the dead to rise. The epidemic...
The Rising Dead
The Night Marchers follows a "real" documentary crew who have strangely disappeared following a journey to chilling Hawaiian site. On a mission to...
The Night Marchers
The third film in the Slaughter Day series
Slaughter Day III
The fourth film in the Slaughter Day series
Slaughter Day IV
An early Cousins Brothers short film
Full Metal Platoon
The second film in the Slaughter Day series
Slaughter Day II
The First Earth Battalion traces the evolution of the remote viewing program devised for the U.S. military. Originally designed to harness...
The 1st Earth Battalion
A collection of spooky stories and urban legends from the most haunted island in Hawaii. Local urban legends come to life before your eyes: including...
Hawaiian Ghost Stories
A rogue cop uncovers a conspiracy plot to kill the president of the United States.
Loose Cannon
In the rural recesses of Hawaii, a pair of friends must fight an ancient evil force brought to life by an occult book that possesses a group of...
Slaughter Day