Based on the true story of life in the Kramat Tunggak localization. Tells the story of commercial sex workers who live the hard night life as...
Keramat Tunggak
A poor man decides to use black magic to seduce a beautiful woman he has a crush on. At the end of the film he died. The end.
Kelas Bintang is back with this pack of drama called Tante Ku Emang Ajib.
Tante Ku Emang Ajib
Kelas Bintang is back with this pack of drama called Mangga Muda.
Kelas Bintang - Mangga Muda
Kelas Bintang is back with this pack of drama called Mangga Muda Part 2.
Mangga Muda Part 2
Kelas Bintang is back with this pack of drama called Salome.