The film follows the crime sprees of Antonio Correa Cotto, as he seeks revenge against the people that assaulted his girlfriend.
Correa Cotto: ¡así me llaman!
Based on a real-life death penalty case in Puerto Rico. The execution of Arocho and Clemente was one of the last ones to take place in the island.
Arocho y Clemente: los que murieron en la horca
Final days of the Puerto Rican criminal Antonio Correa Cotto.
La venganza de Correa Cotto
Deals with the case of the only woman sentenced to death penalty in Puerto Rico: Luisa Nevárez Ortiz.
La tormenta
Fictional account based on the events of 1937 that occurred in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
La masacre de Ponce
Lebrón y Correa Cotto