When Bill Croft, a notorious gunfighter, is bushwhacked, innocent rancher Frank Douglas is accused of the crime on circumstantial evidence and...
Ridin' Thunder
Ned Raleigh, a cowboy on the Stone Ranch, is laughed at by his pal Rawhide Barton for emulating his chivalrous namesake, Sir Walter Raleigh. Manning,...
Rough and Ready
A Spanish-American boy raised by his Mexican servant, Clay Hill, Jr. vows vengeance on the three ranchers who murdered his parents.
Fighting Fury
Carter Brace is out to murder Belden. Collins who was sent to bring in the border gang led by Brace, saves Belden's life in San Francisco. When they...
The Border Sheriff
Cowboy Jack Carter, the proud owner of the Australian shepherd Bunk, accepts the challenge of corralling 10,000 wild horses within a 10-day period....
The Wild Horse Stampede