A continuation of the Jaka Sembung series. The event takes place in the Gegesik village near Cirebon, in 1827. The village head, Subah, faces two...
Bergola Ijo
Set at the end of the Singasari Kingdom and the rise of Kediri Kingdom; there are two siblings, Arya Dwipangga, who loves literature, and Arya...
Tutur Tinular: Pedang Naga Puspa
This film tells about the struggle for a treasure kept by a pirate, Tapak Tirta. Citra Jaya (Si Jagur), a subordinate of Sultan Agung was persuaded...
Si Jagur
Legend about Loro Jonggrang's love story with Bandung Bondowoso. When he was newly appointed as Senopati Baka, he was assigned to attack the Pengging...
Lara jonggrang (Candi Prambanan)