Uncle Preston, a financial "wizard," discovers that his nephew, Bob Preston, is a rogue, a gambler and a swindler, who is promoting a mythical mining...
A Just Punishment
A Mexican leaves his wife and family with hunger staring them in the face to get a job on the "Rocking Chair" Ranch, so that he can supply them with...
The Mexican
John Sharon, a steel magnate is immensely successful from the worldly point of view, while Ed Young, his humble employee, views himself as a failure...
Greater Wealth
Billy McVeigh, a member of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, runs amuck another person of this service undeserving of its uniform, named Nome. The...
In Defiance of the Law
His beloved wife having died, Mark Boland sells his furniture and seeks to forget his sorrow in dissipation. He comes in contact with David Yarnall,...
The Open Door
A romantic drama that unfolds in part in British India. Sona, who leaves home with her child because of the quarrel between her two...
Kings of the Forest
Annie, left orphaned after the death of her mother, goes to live in an orphanage where she tells her fellow orphans stories of ghosts and goblins....
Little Orphant Annie
The scene opens on the road to Kingsley as Peter Herman and his wife, Anna, are trekking slowly along, she holding the baby in her arms while Balu,...
The Leopard's Foundling
A deputy marshal rounds up the bad guys and gets the girl.
The Golden Thought