Recently awoken from cryosleep, Daxon Waxillus III is a world renowned musician who has a bone to pick with the artistic direction his producer has...
A troublesome young fellow named Gilgamarsh develops strangely goblin-esque behaviors due to the unexpected fusion of trashy music and shredded...
Full Goblin Mode
Three weeks after the end of the world via collapse of the multiverse, a depressed girl tries to find people to invite to her birthday party.
Nobody Came to My Birthday Party Because the World Ended Three Weeks Ago
Ricky Pherwinnikins is a young director who believes that his most recent film Punxsutawney Phil's Last Stand is going to be announced as the secret...
This is a Big Night for Ricky
On the day ZZ Baxter plans to end his life, he crosses paths with a deranged man named Dugnut Johnson on his way to work. When ZZ snatches a folder...
ZZ Baxter Bolts Towards Traffic
Third-grader Austin Snetsky is tasked give a late-birthday present to his classmate Egbert. This simple decision will affect him for years on end in...
Flushed (A Pointedly Staged Reenactment of True Events)
QP, a troubled young man with an affinity for lobotomies and finger puppets, confronts his own humanity after capturing his newest victim.