While radio presenter Mourad follows social media stories, he comes across the stories of Dr. Alia, sued after being accused of having an affair with...
Qamar 14
Nour is a 13-year-old orphan living in the countryside in the early 1980s. He is smart, but is also a compulsive liar with vision problems and wears...
Bara El Manhag
Aamil Sifr a security guard, whose name is a result of an error in his birth certificate, Eventually the name became his reality. While guarding a...
Agent Zero
عدالة السماء
Moataz, is a happy-go-lucky guy who leads a life around his friends. After his mother moves in, they argue, and his luck is put to the test. She puts...
El Daawa Ammah
In a context of action and suspense, the events take place in the 1940s, during World War II in Western Sahara on the eve of the Battle of El...
The Crows
In a romantic context, a love story that ends in marriage brings together a young man and a girl, as the young man is a doctor who treats addiction...
The 'Koways' Family may seem like a model for the normal family, but it is far from normal, as it unfolds through a series of comedy situations.
El Kowayseen
After a clash between a group of demonstrators and the security forces, one of the bodies of this clash is returned to the morgue with seven other...
A platoon of Commandos’ soldiers, lead by a fearless commander, Nour, and their journey through heroic battles from The Six Days War to the...
The Passage
A married couple heard a strange story during their honeymoon about a night where the moon is absent, the desert is angry, and the people on the...
El Hareth
The events revolve around "Aisha" a veiled girl who accompanied by a friend, goes to a shopping center to buy some items for her friend who is...
Ali, the fugitive from a murder he does not even know whether he committed it or not, sets out to uncover truth with the help of his friend, the...
30 March
The story follows a drug dealer who is exposed to many problems after he becomes accused of murder, which drives him to try to prove his innocence...
Afreet Transit
An engineering college student invents the first of its kind robot in the Middle East, in an attempt to avenge his father's death and achieve...