Dilkhush follows the story of eight individuals who find themselves in the loop of urban melancholy. Discovering love with the help of AI makes their...
Mishti, a housewife, is constantly ignored by her husband and children. And Cheeni is full of life and has big dreams. When the path between Mishti...
Cheeni 2
A child's play.
Ikir Mikir
A young filmmaker prepares for the debut of his first feature film.
The story aims to throw light on the real essence of friendship where age can’t be a boundary. It’s a refreshing tale of a young and hot...
Dr. Somshankar Roy, a social scientist, engages Swagato and Anwesha to create 'mock' crisis on the streets. The aim was to observe reactions of...
Ek Phaali Rodh
Mr and Mrs Gomes are in trouble at their Bolpur resort.
The Loop
A reclusive yet short-tempered man, takes a stand against the inhumane treatment of the outcast Indian stray dogs. His journey leads him to confront...
Pariah Vol. 1
Sequel to the 2023 family comedy Kirtan.
Kirtaner Por Kirtan
Kirtan is the story of a father-in-law and daughter-in-law who disagree about leaving their ancestral home and shifting into a new apartment.
An old, single man leads a retired and lonely life but enjoys it as much as possible. Everything changes when he receives a wrong number phone call,...
The film follows Mrinal Sen in his early days around the time of India’s independence, where he is a struggling idealist with an all-consuming...
Patro has entrusted his house to Timi and Parama before leaving for Dallas. But a series of misadventures follow as they start living there.
Fish & Chips
A group of "friends" and "misfits", who had formed a popular yet short-lived youth theatre group, reunite for the first time after seven years on an...
Shot in Nainital.
Balaram Kando