The story about the life and career of Pertti 'Spede' Pasanen, it traces the iconic entertainer's most innovative phase of filmmaking. The film sheds...
Heavysaurs is a partly-animated, live-action family adventure about two kids who find five funny dinosaur creatures that love to eat and play rock...
Heavysaurs: The Movie
Story about 29-year-old Krisu, who is quite lost in her life. Luckily, she has a indie band called Wendy and the Refugee Neverland.
Wendy and the Refugee Neverland
In the middle of the summer holidays, the body of a drowned man with ligature marks on his wrists is recovered from Tammerkoski river. The...
Two diverse families meet for the first time over Christmas dinner. The evening goes off the rails right from the start when the male host couple...
Kulkuset kulkuset
Juice Leskinen was a singer, songwriter, poet, lyricist, folk artist – the father figure of Finnish rock lyrics. The most important factor of...
Ragged Life of Juice Leskinen
Black drama-comedy about elementary school teacher Kaisa who has lost control of her life.
Kill Anneli
Turo is stuck in a small village and the best thing in his life is being the lead vocalist for the amateur metal band Impaled Rektum. He and his...
Heavy Trip
A young Start-up entrepreneur tries to start importing potato to 17th century Finland. The new class of bourgeoisie is emerging and shaking up the...
The Potato Venture
10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious...
Vinski and the Invisibility Powder