(Long Synopsis) "In this laugh-out-loud, satirical comedy, Tripp Bailey (Marc Evan Johnson, Transformers) is a washed-up journalist who longs to be a...
Bright Day
Bad People is a dark comedy feature film that begs us to laugh at the absurdity that is all around us: crack smoking politicians, prostitutes turned...
Bad People
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular...
Crank: High Voltage
A group of women wake up in a cold cement basement. Drugged and terrified they find themselves captive to a depraved psychopath whose blood-lust and...
A Darker Reality
Medical student Ted Grey graduates at the top of his class and quickly joins an elite pathology program, whose top students invite him into their...
An irresistible femme fatale lures a notorious hacker to Moscow to help her commit the crime of the century.
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