In the 1980s, Maggie attempts to come out to her best friend before they leave for college.
The Coming Out of Maggie
Relationships can be hard, however, Sabine believes that she has them down to a fine art. But can something like ‘love’ be as predictable...
The Taste of Lipstick
Joan finds herself cold, miserable, and lonely once again. Follow her as she embarks on a self-pitying mission to cheer herself up.
Joan’s Bad Day
Jimbo and Joni shouldn't be together. But somehow, they have built a life entangled in complacent love.
Spilt Milk
a day in her head, her worries, her regrets, everything in her head.
Photobooth Confessions
A reflection on eighteen years of being a girl.
a video collage documenting the end of a chapter.
if the bathroom walls could talk, I wonder what they would say to that girl sat between them.
If the Bathroom Walls Could Talk
what is art to an artist
My Felt Tips
An Anti-Bullying film about the importance of friendship...and monsters
An episode lost to time.
The Twankeys