This film tells the story of two friends, Jack and Jock, with their principle: "life is a series of games and challenges". The challenge is...
Liking Each Other
In his wanderings, Mandala (Barry Prima) arrives in a village where a triad of Iron Heads are messing with him. They are looking for Laot (Syaiful...
Mandala from the Snake River
A virgin's pregnancy is caused by performing black magic.
Magic Fetus
Yet another Indonesian fantasy tale of good vs. evil and the struggle to gain control of an heirloom sword, this time featuring a shape-shifting,...
The Legacy of Reef Knowledge
Kadrun and his wife fail to steal the magic amethyst that belongs to the teacher even though they cut off his arm. They are then cursed to live in...
The Magic Amethyst
A couple murdered inside their own home by robbers return as vengeful spirits.
Revenge on Kliwon Friday
Several thieves, a psycho, a murder victim's son and others head to Ghost Mountain in search of a precious blue diamond. There, they face a...
Battle at Devil Mountain
The trio of Dono, Kasino and Indro, are working for an advertising firm. The story begins with the three comedians running here and there, exploiting...
Salah Masuk