Recounts the story of fledgling writer Samuel Liston and his experiences with Floyd Deveraux, the enigmatic, middle-aged father of two who enlists...
Big Gold Brick
The week of her 50th birthday, Mindy, a divorced teacher, is going through a bonafide mid-life crisis as she prepares to host a long weekend at the...
Mid-Love Crisis
Newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, Wes Robinson, is looking for new ideas to boost the company's sales. Vivian Blair, a program developer, shares...
My Perfect Romance
April Chen, a Chinese-Canadian tech prodigy, is accused of plagiarism by an unrelenting teaching assistant and must fight to prove her innocence in a...
Stealing School
Emma has anxiously waited to reunite with her best friend Tracey who's been recovering after a serious accident. But Will, Tracey's brother, won't...
Love in Harmony Valley
Krista is starting this New Year with a new business and a resolution to be more selective with who she dates. When Krista meets Ryan Rourke, an...
Hometown Holiday