In 1941-1945 Women who were taken from their families to be used to satisfy the lust of the soldiers during the Japanese colonial era in Malaya. The...
Pagari Bulan
The story revolves around the British finding out that Tok Gajah intends to go to Terengganu to seek support from the Sultan and Malay heroes of...
Warrior Awang and Master Tok Gajah
Plot unknown
Blood Brothers
The road to redemption of a fighter, who seeks forgiveness from the very man he destroyed.
After a long stint in the army, an ex-lieutenant returns home and enters an underground MMA match to take on a local mobster and protect his family.
An extended version of the historical action film about a legendary warrior fighting for independence during the British colonial era. The film...
Pendekar Awang & Tok Gajah: Darah Indera Gajah
The heartwarming journey of Michael Tong Wai Siong, or better known as Uncle Mike, a Chinese man who raised three adopted Malay children from...
Abah Saya, Uncle Mike