This heroic story follows the life of Karol Wojtyla, a Polish Roman catholic who ascends the throne of St. Peter as Pope John Paul II. As a young...
From a Far Country
Gutrune's romance with newspaper editor Nick Verney is hampered by the fact that he is still in love with the wife from whom he is separated. She...
These Foolish Things
A suspect is brought to a London police station charged with gross indecency. Police at the station believe he is connected with a murder in the area...
The Interrogation of John
While English professor Loretta Lawson is attending a conference in Paris, she stays the night in the flat of a friend's acquaintance. She discovers...
A Masculine Ending
When he was a little boy, Dillon's rock musician father and hippie mother died in a traffic accident. Now in his twenties, Dillon wants nothing more...
The Love Child
A man struggles to piece together his life after suffering years of abuse in a children's home - a personal battle made doubly difficult by crusading...
William came to work in Fleet Street in 1971. London meant girls, as many girls as he could find. Then he met Caroline and so it began, that very...
Dreams of Leaving
David Hare's account of a one-time French freedom fighter who gradually realizes that her post-war life is not meeting her expectations.
C.S. Lewis, a world-renowned writer and professor, leads a passionless life until he meets spirited poet Joy Gresham.
Bristol, England, early 19th century. A beautiful young stranger who speaks a weird language is tried for the crime of begging. But when a man claims...
Princess Caraboo
An overworked American ambassador working in the UK attempts to spend more time with his wife by visiting a countryside mansion, but soon the trip...
The Sweet Scent of Death
An imagined trial of a man who, in 1974 London, is thought to have killed a woman he mistook for his wife in order to regain custody of his children....
The Trial of Lord Lucan