Ellie Linton, a teen from an Australian coastal town, leads her friends on an excursion to a camp deep in the woods, dubbed "Hell." Upon their...
Tomorrow, When the War Began
Penny returns to her childhood home for the Appleton Show and its 'world famous' potato race, she is outraged that the men's first prize pays out...
The Appleton Ladies' Potato Race
Jackie and Lucy - together nicknamed 'Jucy' - are 20 something best friends who do everything together. Their days are spent working at a local...
Anthea is 25, single, hates her job – and all her friends are leaving Brisbane. Should she follow the herd to Sydney or London? Is there...
All My Friends Are Leaving Brisbane
An Australian urban legend comes screaming on the Ozploitation scene. It’s said that if you drive down the creepy road of Lemon Tree Passage,...
Lemon Tree Passage
Fresh off an almost career-ending accident, stuntman Colt Seavers has to track down a missing movie star, solve a conspiracy and try to win back the...
The Fall Guy
David Cork (Lachlan Woods) is a lowly data processor slaving away in the cubicle wasteland of Endo Bank's notorious Data Processing Centre, the DPC....
The Menkoff Method
A poignant and humorous film telling the life story of the hugely popular author of the discworld series of books, in his own words.
Terry Pratchett: Back in Black
Rex is a loner, and when he's told he doesn't have long to live, he embarks on an epic drive through the Australian outback from Broken Hill to...
Last Cab to Darwin
A look at the 1970s Gay Rights Movement in Australia through the eyes of dedicated activist Lance Gowland. As Lance deals with his sexuality, he must...