Qamar is a belly dancer who moves into building inhabited by several families. When she moves in, she is bombarded by the husbands' attention. The...
It's Fine
The film revolves around a group of young people, living in a popular area and suffer from poverty and unemployment, and after a series of events...
Chivalrous Boys
A law specialist has a theory in which she thinks that any criminal can be reformed if the right conditions are present and she applies her theory to...
In Your Dreams
A typical day at a nightclub at Al-Haram street is turned upside down when a terrorist decides to blow up the building. A plunge into the lives of a...
The owner of a dancing and singing folk troupe searches for her missing daughter who went missing years ago. When she dies, the troupe's members...
Inner City Story
The story revolves around a poor Egyptian young man who is obsessed with Princess Diana, until he comes across a Danish girl who looks like her. As...
Crazy for a Princess
A Naval Academy student falls hopelessly in love with a woman who only sees him as a friend until a risky voyage sets them on a different path.
Prince of the Seas
Even though he works as a lifeguard on one of Alexandria’s beaches, Halemo actually can not swim which puts him in many comedic situations.
Halimo, Legend of the Beaches
The film takes place in the Sharabiya district and illustrates the human and social relations between its residents. Within the events, three men...
It follows Halawa who does many tricks in order to get to Hom's heart, while he loves a performing artist who works in a nightclub.
Homos and Halawa