Three boys named Bunty, Happy and Lucky, study in a London school. They fall in love with three young girls. The boys then happen to meet Rubina, a...
Phir Tauba Tauba
The movie revolves around Sunny, a fifteen-year-old boy who is obsessed with his teacher, Payal. At school, the sex-crazed headmaster Mr. Gomes...
Tauba Tauba
In 1890s India, an arrogant British commander challenges the harshly taxed residents of Champaner to a high-stakes cricket match.
Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India
A successful gigolo struggles to juggle his job alongside hiding his profession from his wife.
Mr. 100%
1930, British India: In the province of undivided Bengal lies the sleepy, peaceful port of Chittagong. In this unassuming little town a revolution is...
Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey