A coming of age dramatic comedy dealing with the effect that two "summers" have on the lives of several teenagers. The main story involves an...
Two Summers
In a devastated post-apocalyptic world where the rules of reality are transformed by magic and madness, a vengeful police officer searches for a...
Beyond the Grave
A documentary crew follows Cattleman, Porto Alegre's newest villain, in an attempt to sully the name of the city's hero, Super-Guy.
Éder is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca, his nephew, is sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend,...
My Uncle Killed a Guy
The story of a man who invented a country.
Netto Perde Sua Alma
It's morning. Lisandra drinks coffee, Roberto reads the newspaper. The two old friends have issues to solve before Cecilia arrives.
Waiting for Cecilia
Investigating the murder of Chuchu, Dectective Eggplant interrogates four and a half vegetables suspects, without knowing that the real murderer was...
Noir Soup
Rufus, the priest, can't forget the first time he heard rap music.
Gurias de Preto