The film's events revolve around a good Upper Egyptian man who works as a vegetable seller, who decides to take revenge on those who caused the death...
Death of Wolves
The events revolve around Zarifa, a village girl who is alienated by everyone and goes to work as a maid in Hafnawi’s house, but when her...
Taming the ferocious
As Salwa takes the train to Alexandria, she runs into her old sweetheart whom she left for a wealthy man. As the train breaks down, they engage in a...
You, I, and Hours of Travel
A police officer exposed to the trick of drug dealers which forced him to leave his job but he mett someone tell him he is a business man and his...
The Flame of Vengeance
Fares, a shoe factory worker, has only one passion in life: football. He lives a humble life in a chaotic neighborhood where he plays street football...
The Street Player
The authorities summon many young men for forced labor in the Suez Canal, so Metwally leaves his sister Shafiqa alone with their old grandfather,...
Shafiqa and Metwally
The child (Barakat) from his mother gets lost in the crowd of the birth, to be kidnapped by the seller (Ali al-Araj) and taken to his home and called...
Al Mouled
In the year 1807, they city of Rashid is under attack by the British forces. Harfoush, a brave knight must deliver a message to the ruler of Egypt to...
A Message to the Governor
A poor wife searches for her husband to clear her name of a wrongful accusation of adultery. She meets Shaheen, a gallant worker who loves to play...
Hibat Allah discovers an unusual activity involving the circulation of fake dollars of which her husband is taking part. When she reports it to the...
The Gate of Satan
The police officer (Zaghloul) is investigating the murder of the wealthy wife of Iqbal, Ahmed's wife. As the search begins, they have a girl named...
The Game
After his wife's death, Safwat lives on his late wife's wealth, and also seeks to seize his daughter Amira's share of the inheritance. The daughter...
Almutaradat Al'akhira
Sayed was the victim of a mentally ill patient named Jalal who committed a murder and confessed to it to his psychiatrist, but Sayed was accused of...
AL-Bari'i Wi Al-Mashnaqah
Samia falls into the hands of Nawaem, who runs a brothel and drug trade. Love grows between her and the pimp Maher, and they decide to escape, but...
Bahr Al Awham