Swedish comedy from 1940. Carnival director Knut Lindberg has ended up in the hands of the usurer Director Aronsson and his shady practices trying to...
Karusellen går
The sculptress Tora Diidiken is married to the sculptor Gunnar Grahn and they both compete in a contest to design a statue for the public square in...
The Marriage Game
Councilor Sven Ersson and Farmer Jan Hansson has been bitter enemies for several years. Sven's neighbour Ola in Gyllby has a daughter Britta. The...
The two conmen Bendel and Pettersson starts doing business together. Bendel got the brains and Pettersson the charm.
Pettersson & Bendel
Lena Bergström works in an office and is unhappily in love with her boss, Johan Borg. She decides to quit. Borg's wife won't have any children,...
Walpurgis Night
Wholesaler Berggren's daughter Elin travels to Örebro to spend her honeymoon with her husband Efraim. They get separate rooms on the hotel and...
O, What a Night!