Arturo Meraviglia is a struggling impresario who has to take care of Gioele and Rebecca, two children "inherited" by an old uncle. When he realizes...
The Most Beautiful Day in the World
Set in Italy in the 1970s, VALLANZASCA is the true story of the Italian underworld’s most infamous outlaw. A criminal by age 9, Renato...
Angel of Evil
Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.
The Cosmos on the Commode
A disgraced copywriter addicted to psychiatric drugs goes through a hell of a weekend to save his marriage.
Only For the Weekend
In many small episodes, various characters represent the typical vices and comedy of Italian society in early 2000.
The Jokes
On Christmas Eve, three friends dressed as Santa Clauses are arrested in what seems to be a burglary and taken to the police, accused of being the...
The Gang of Santa Clauses
Forced to deal with the impending menopause Eve has to relive his life up to that point. With the 'help of Angelo (a real and clumsy guardian angel)...
Ci vuole un gran fisico
Shortly before the premiere of the play, quarantine is announced and four actors: Chiara, Giorgio, Antonio and Valentino find themselves in...
Who's Afraid of Dr. Kramer?