Left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht’s working day is marked by applause and admiration but also doubts and intrigues. This film follows her...
The AfD, founded in 2013, is a right-wing party that has become increasingly radicalized in recent years. To illustrate this, only those who...
Wir waren in der AfD - Aussteiger berichten
Since the massacre by the terrorist organization Hamas on October 7, 2023, it has been clear that anti-Semitism is also a massive problem in Germany....
Warum Judenhass? Antisemitismus in Deutschland
A focus on the inner workings of a political party making headlines at district, state and national level as an “alternative for...
A German Party
After the end of the GDR, thrashings, threats and hunts were part of everyday life. In the years after the reunification of the early 1990s, hatred,...
Baseballschlägerjahre - Die Wendegeneration und rechte Gewalt
The film shines a light onto federal chancellor Angela Merkel and her now ending 16-year-long tenure. An era, not an episode. And a vagarious...
Merkel-Jahre - Am Ende einer Ära