Soon after the fall of Baghdad in 2003, a young and charismatic film student, Muthana Mohmed, stands in the rubble of the city's film school and...
Operation Filmmaker
An aspiring painter meets eccentric locals and a fellow New Yorker while working on a barn in Norway.
The Sunlit Night
Jimmy and Carolyn are the original rebel without a cause born and raised in rural Charlestown, Rhode Island and the Italian-American big city beauty...
Jimmy and Carolyn
Detectives Jimmy and Paul, despite nine years as partners, can still sometimes seem like polar opposites—especially when Paul's unpredictable...
Cop Out
Lovestruck Dustin is dating Alexis, his ideal girlfriend, but when she dumps him for coming on too strong, Dustin takes drastic measures to win her...
My Best Friend's Girl
Riz is a recent South Asian immigrant who takes a job at a seedy motel in a bid to start over in America. But the motel’s other employees and...
Stray Dolls
A burgeoning stand-up comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, a stale relationship, and the wild spurts of severe sleepwalking he is...
Sleepwalk with Me
Medicine, money and morality clash when a hospital's Heart Transplant Selection Committee has only minutes to decide which of three patients on the...
The God Committee