This refreshingly frank and impartial study of the discovery and development of the notorious hallucinogenic drug is notably free of moral...
LSD: The Beyond Within
In a hypercompetitive world, drugs like Adderall offer students, athletes, coders and others a way to do more -- faster and better. But at what cost?
Take Your Pills
LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug captures the fascinating story of LSD as it is eloquently told by Dr. Albert Hofmann, the 100-year-old...
LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug
Long before Timothy Leary urged a generation to "tune in, turn on and drop out," lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was being used by researchers...
Hofmann's Potion: The Pioneers of LSD
Albert Hofmann - Wahrnehmungen
Plant Explorer Richard Evans Schultes was a real life Indiana Jones whose discoveries of hallucinogenic plants laid the foundation for the...
Peyote to LSD: A Psychedelic Odyssey