Second installment of omnibus series Deka Matsuri. 10 films made under the conditions "The main character must be a female detective" "the film must...
Kaettekita! Deka Matsuri
Bad things happen when innocent blood is shed. In the early 1700s, Lord Sodom Ichibei is happily celebrating his wedding day when his wife-to-be...
Sodom the Killer
In order to be with the man she loves, Kim goes back to Japan from Korea. The man saved Kim from darkness, when she was little. But he was raised by...
A Pale Woman
miniDV film by Yukiyasu Shimada.
An omnibus film that compresses 16 hours into one, offering glimpses of what happens beyond the monotony from 9am to 5pm.
Five to Nine
Based on the Maicching Machiko Teacher Manga.
Maicching Machiko! Begins
A horror film directed by Hiroshi Takahashi. After winning an overwhelming number of seats in the National Diet, the Prime Minister of Japan,...
Sea of Madness