Following the popular 2012 drama series of the same name, this movie welcomes back the huge, chaotic family of Haj Iskandar, his wife Mak Jah, his...
Keluarga Iskandar
Dadu is a youth who is just drifting aimlessly from day to day. He is often fired from his jobs and has never been serious about anything. Dadu lives...
Ustaz, Mu Tunggu Aku Datang!
Amir and Nayan are reality TV stars who are offered to act in a horror film. However they find that they are only capable to act in comedy films as...
Suatu Malam Kubur Berasap 2
Eager to win back his girlfriend, Kudin rushes off to join a gang of mat rempit, only to later discover that he is not welcome. It isn't until an...
Rempit Sampai Langit
This year, Singapore comedian Gurmit Singh of Phua Chu Kang fame will be taking part, while a show regular,...
Lawak Ke Der 2018
Muksin was a homeless boy whose fortune changed when he met Pomi, Wok and Munir. Years later, after reuniting with his childhood friends, Muksin, now...
Love Overhaul Aidilfitri
Cinta Overhaul Aidilfitri
Telefilm Rindu Atok tells the story of a boy who accompanied his grandfather to live in the village. He had found an old box belonging to his...
Rindu Atok