The story of Henry, a stand-up comedian with a fierce sense of humour and Ann, a singer of international renown. In the spotlight, they are the...
Based on the poplar novel by Yumeaki Hirayama, three horrifying stories about ghost.
SUPER Horrifying Story
When a giant monster attacks Japan, the country's only hope is a research assistant who's become monstrously big himself. But there might be a price.
Kaiju Mono
In the wake of the social unrest caused by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, two female sumo athletes, Kiku and Tokachi, and an anarchist group called...
The Chrysanthemum and the Guillotine
Shibuya in Tokyo, a city that continues to change due to redevelopment. At a house in the corner of Shibuya, Ai dreaming of a model, Mizuho working...
Rolling Marbles