The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption...
The Treasure: Truth & Imagination
Spanning one day, the film takes place in a “Muled” (An Islamic saint's day celebration), following the curious and intertwined stories...
The Night of the Carnival
Hussein is in a state of extreme depression because of the boring routine of work and the pressures of life he faces as an employee, husband and...
Why Does the Sea Laugh
A businessman, stuck in the credit crunch, falls in love with a businesswoman who is in turn stuck in the credit crunch.
Taking place in the world of acting workshops, the story follows a young man who is looking for an opportunity to break into the world of acting with...
The Workshop
Nader saif eldeen and Afet elsherbiny are two competing Egyptians newspaper reporters who expose the truth but the Channel Manager rejects that for...
The Following Statement Came To Us
Abu al-Wafa soldier of the border weapon lives with his old father Darwish, who was also guarding the border and his wife Saadi, who does not have a...
Hawk's Eyes
The film revolves around an engineer working for an oil company in Dubai. He had to return to Egypt after twenty years. He was surprised that the...
The Embassy in the Building
A Million Dollar Deal
Said the officer in Vice Squad is shocked by the decision of his boss to stop the investigation into the case of Alia Hanim because of her...
A File in Vice
Five sisters whose life conditions deteriorated after the death of the father and the mother was sentenced to death after her involvement in a murder...
These Women don't know regret
Lawyer Adel Abdel Aziz faces a terrible event that turns his life upside down as a result of his honor and dignity. Accordingly, he decides to adopt...
Alternative Plan
The film revolves around the "Blue Whale Challenge" game used by many young people and adolescents, after the spread of technology and the parents...
The Blue Whale
All attempts by a gang to carry out major thefts fail, so its members resort to kidnapping children belonging to wealthy families. Hoping to get a...
Amateur Gang
As Ta’oun plots to rob the famous singer Ahlam, he recruits his fiancée and her brother to accompany him to Sharm El-Sheikh to carry out...
Ocean 14
Karam The King
Omar Al Azrak
A young man in his fourth decade looking for a job to marry his beloved after many years of engagement, but every time he faces bad luck and enters...
Amod Faqrey
Lutfi works abroad and leaves his son Hossam in the care of his mother and her husband Emad and be a great fortune, Hossam commits with bad friends...
The price of alienation
El Karmooty is back! Accidentally, he was captured on his summer vacation by Daesh (terror group) and the movie goes on in a series of comedic...
Alarmoty in the Land of Fire
The story revolves around a quarrel between three young men (Abdulrahman, Adel and Kamal) who were running over a girl walking in the street and...
Nahr Al Khoof
The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of troubles and difficulties during high school.
High School Girls
An international organization tries to kidnap Mustafa (Mohammed Ragab), an Egyptian cancer and AIDS medicine researcher, who could save humanity from...
Mohamed Hussein, a chauffeur at a 5-star hotel, is accused by the police of murdering a famous painter who had just arrived from Paris and was...
Mohamed Hussein
Nariman, a widow who her late husband's family is trying to kill her meets Mamdouh, the son of a broken family who has lost his way. As she treats...
What the Heart Wants
The events of the play revolve around the guard of one of the palaces, called Ramadan, who finds himself the only owner of this palace after the...
Welcome Ramadan
The film follows a major scam operation that takes place in one of the major theaters.
Show Day
The film presents a part of the biography of legendary artist Umm Kulthum since 1944, shedding light on her unfinished romance like her relationship...
Star of the East
In this modern real-life drama, the intertwined lives of a group of regulars in a popular downtown café highlight the inner conflicts of their...
Egypt's Exchange Cafe
A young amnesiac accused of murder seeks to know the truth about himself while he is on the run from the police, searching for the real killer with...
The Ghost
A sequel to The Treasure (Part 1) - Reality & Fantasy (2017) The movie resumes with the stories of Hatsheput in the Pharaonic era, Ali al-Zaibaq...
The Treasure : Love & Destiny
(Afifi) is a bossy and violent manager. The employee (Hosnia) tries to delude everyone that her fiancé's cousin is the new minister because of...
موعد مع الوزير
A family and businessman (Adam) is accused of running a criminal empire while he denies the accusation by being the one who take criminals down.
Son of Adam
This movie is Based on " A Miracle " Short Story by The Noble prize winner NAGUIB MAHFOUZ
The Last Miracle
The teacher leaves Faraj after spending the sentence for cheating on building materials. He returns to the neighborhood and returns to his old life....
A Man Against the Law
A woman whose husband travels to work abroad and leaves her facing loneliness and dreaming inside that she will kill him and take revenge on him for...
The Octopus
A guy whose father was an assisstant to a drug dealer who killed him . So when the guy when he grow up he worked with the same dealer . At the end he...
Convicted Outlaw
Arif, the general manager, lives with his wife and son and decides to resign to fulfill an old dream. His wife gets angry and asks him to hold on to...
Fayed, a professor of philosophy, is unjustly arrested for obtaining a counterfeiting dollar machine that belongs to his brother, who lives with him....
Batta and Wezza are two siblings living with their aunt Faransa at a local neighborhood as the latter works as a hired mourner. Batta accepts to...
Auntie Faransa
Six human wolves cut off a husband and wife on their wedding night, killing the husband and raping the wife who suffers a nervous breakdown. After...
Al Awbash
The events take place in a dramatic framework; where a child gets lost from his family, and one of the employees of the shelter adopts him and raises...
El Ashash
Hassan is an upright employee who works for a company. In order to win the favor of his bosses, Atallah and Jaafar, he gives them the key to his...
Mr. Hassan's Apartment
Met'eb and Shadya meet at an Islamic saint commemorating celebration (mawlid). As they face the obstacles of everyday life together, their chance...
Metaab and Shadya
Esmat sympathizes with the life of a fugitive from justice after proving her innocence and relating to him after being represented by love. Ismat is...