Sundari Sara Mathews, popularly known as Suma, meets Victor, the school's new English teacher and falls for him. However, before expressing her...
Sundari Gardens
It narrates the story of two grandmothers in the backdrop of their children, families, and an old age home.
Oru Muthassi Gadha
Achu (Gopal) and Kichu (Vasudev), hailing from a hamlet in Kumarakom live by their dream of owning a geared bicycle. In their journey towards their...
Gold Coins
The story of "Pallikkoodam" travels through the realities and imagination of a 12 year old boy named Althaf , hailing from a lower middle class...
The movie begins with a glimpse in the life of Unni and his friends, where they enjoy their serene village life. The locale boasts of open paddy...
The film, which revolves around the story of a 10-year-old boy named Ben, played by Gaurav Menon, shows how adults address major issues of our...
The story of Street Lights is based on the life of a Crime Branch police officer, James, who in his pursuit to solve a certain mystery, crosses path...
Street Lights
Little Joseph is a mischief maker who hates school, dreads exams and wouldn't mind praying to God for somebody's death if that means getting a chance...
Kunju Daivam
The love of half-witted Vyshakh for the beautiful Fida and how it takes him places that are beyond reality.
Manoharan is a poster artist struggling to find respect for his profession, after the advent of printing technology. He tries hard to get into the...
A famous actor needs to renew his driver's licence, and the motor vehicle agent is a fan of his, but a series of misunderstandings causes a great...
Driving Licence