The roguishly charming and endlessly troublesome Fletch becomes the prime suspect in a murder case while searching for a stolen art collection. The...
Confess, Fletch
Matt is an actor whose sister goes missing years prior. His search for her leads to fanatical theatre group, whose leader employs horrifying methods...
Higher Methods
In the future Saturn's moon of Titan houses a prison where Earth's worst criminals are kept awaiting their return to Earth for trial and execution....
Future Justice
In the year 2024, homosexuality has been outlawed by an extreme right-wing government. Only one extraordinary man can stop this wave of terror and...
Code Name: Dynastud
Mistaken identity, unrequited love, and the supernatural are combined in Shakespeare's classic set in the woods of Greece on a moonlit night.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Being Dead The film adaptation of Jim Crace's award-winning novel that follows a mid-life couple's effort to rekindle their marriage by traveling...
Being Dead