A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber, known only as the Tall Man, who employs a lethal arsenal of unearthly...
The Tall Man, that imposing menace from Morningside Mortuary, is back and once again haunting the thoughts of the now-adult Mike and his friend,...
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead
Taking off immediately where the last one ended, in this episode Mike travels across dimensions and time fleeing from the Tall Man, at the same time...
Phantasm IV: Oblivion
Three sexy cops will have to go undercover to catch a ruthless pornographer who is murdering young runaway girls.
Vice Girls
A coming-of-age story about the lives of a teenage boy and his friends as they traverse the highs and lows of boyhood in the run-up to Halloween.
Kenny & Company
Brothers Mike and Jody join family friend Reggie to battle the Tall Man and his evil minions from another dimension, for the final time.
Phantasm: Ravager
In the summer of 1982, a group of campers was horribly slaughtered at Camp Arapaho in the sleepy little town of Woodland Hills. The 10 gruesome...
Mike, after his release from a psychiatric hospital, teams up with his old pal Reggie to hunt down the Tall Man, who is at it again. A mysterious,...
Phantasm II
When the VirTech Corporation unveils one of the most controversial and sought after virtual reality machines ever to be developed, it takes a Las...
Virtual Girl 2: Virtual Vegas
Carl Gibson finds himself naked from the waist up and chained to a chair in the dingy basement of a stoical, dungaree wearing loner, called Brutal....
Everything you ever wanted to know about Phantasm is right here in this 97-minute feature with interviews from Don Coscarelli, producer Paul...
After the death of her mother, an estranged daughter struggles to save her brother, and those around her from a malevolent faceless spirit.