The film follows the story of a grumpy elderly man, Soon-cheol, who runs a traditional family restaurant called Dongbaek for three generations. Due...
Over the course of a single day in four vignettes, a group of interconnected artists, novelists, and filmmakers have a series of interactions, some...
Long Day
Jiri Mountain is completely off-limits due to police search operations. Jeong-ok, along with other tourists on a cultural tour of Jiri Mountain,...
This movie stands out from the crowd of a glimmer of hope in this tough world. Four heartwarming episodes make your tears well up unconsciously.
My only love
We have a button on our bodies. It erases the bad memories from us. Everything bad and embarassing. But it only shows to other people; those who have...
Bitch Heart Asshole
Following the brutal rape and murder of his 16-year-old daughter, Sang-hyeon stumbles into an ever-widening conspiracy of rage, revenge, and murder.
The suicide of a former high-school bully puts the boy's father on a quest for answers.
Bleak Night
The lovely and promiscuous textile professor Eun-sook has all the male professors wrapped around her finger. It also helps that she has slept with...
Bewitching Attraction
Eighteen year-old Tae-hoon and Mi-jung have been going out for 100 days. During winter break they decide to take a trip to the beach to celebrate...
Chinatown is a place where crime and betrayal are rampant. Violent crime detective Ko Jeong-hyeok (Seo Joon-yeong) can't rest a day. He tries to rid...
Martial Arts Detective : Chinatown
Four high school friends maintain their ties but finds themselves in very different situations when they reach 21. Chu-won was a promising athlete...
‘Nabi’ is a sushi chef trainee. One day, Nabi moves next to Ejung’s house and her cat ‘Yamma’ catches Nabi’s...
How to Break up with My Cat
Three people meet in the same place for very different reasons where two people are waiting to hunt them down.
Missing 2
Sang-beom's father had always missed his family in the North. Sang-beom was tired of his father. Then, one day after his father passes away,...
Yearn for Home
The Dirge Singer
An anthology produced by the 8th production of KAFA + Next D. The film consists of three pieces: a black comedy, "Chicken Game", directed by Park...
Elephant in the Room
The actress wants to sing. But her music is far short compared to her brilliant acting. As everyone closes their ears to her song, a man begins to...
Hear My Song
After graduating from the "New Emperor" high school, which was famous for its legendary fists, he receives a secret offer from an old friend. After...
For The New Emperor