The story of Misora Haebaru, an 18-year-old karate expert from Okinawa who went to Tokyo to enter the entertainment industry in hopes of supporting...
Stray Idol : Hell Transformation
Facing goodbyes and graduation, Naomi Nakashima, her childhood friend Satoshi Mochida, and their classmates, are clearing up after their last ever...
Corpse Party
Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy follows the lives of two high school students, Kotoko, a bubbly girl...
Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 1: High School
Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy sequel continues the story of Kotoko, a bubbly and cheerful girl and...
Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 2: Campus
Kotoko has long dreamed of the day when she is able to be together with Naoki. But when his father’s company faces some difficulties, Naoki...
Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 3: Propose