One rainy night in the Edo period, Kotono (a geisha) confronts samurais who killed her father. The samurais attack her one after another, but she...
Geisha Assassin
Toramaru, lord of integrated martial arts Mugen-ga-ryu, ends his training journey and visits his master, Gensai. "You have to duel with every martial...
Bushido Man
Juzo Murasaki is a young man traumatized by his experience of bullying at school. He returns to his hometown and takes a job on a building site with...
Neighbour No. 13
Sequel to 2004's Dark Warrior. Hoichi the Earless is once again the main character.
New Dark Warrior: Mado Seal
It's three years after the events of the original Battle Royale, and Shuya Nanahara is now an internationally-known terrorist determined to bring...
Battle Royale II: Requiem