While attempting to win the affections of a beautiful rival, a master thief risks death to learn the secret intentions of a wealthy and seemingly...
Lupin the Third: The Mystery of Mamo
Softcore porn collaboration between Nikkatsu director Shinya Yamamoto and gag manga artist Fujio Akatsuka, utilizing both creators' comedy techniques...
Fujio Akatsuka's Gag Porno: In the Mood Once Again
Based on the 'not quite Sci-Fi, not quite a Romance' manga by the Fujiko F. Fujio. Yuko dreams of being a best selling children's author, but as an...
Future Memories: Last Christmas
The late Fujio Akatsuka is revered by many Japanese artists and scholars for his developments to early comedy manga, but his contributions aren't...
The Man Who Went Beyond Manga: Fujio Akatsuka
The man has a monotonous job punching tickets for the Japanese railway. One night, while walking home, he saves Jun from getting raped by two...
A Pool Without Water