A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional...
U Motherbaker - The Movie
Taiwanese horror anthology film.
Cheng Chin-i's Ghost Story
Lion Dancing 2
Lion Dancing
A group of young ninjas enters a ninja school where they encounter a cast of eccentric teachers and learn various bizarre ninja techniques. However,...
Ninja Kids
The heart-warming tale of a poor boy turns into a world-class baker, set in southern Taiwan and France. Pao-chun comes from a poor background, and...
27°C - Loaf Rock
Ming-Hsang, a deaf college student, meets interesting people as he cycles around Taiwan before he graduates from college.
Island Etude
Er Kan, a high school student who is in love with the most beautiful girl in the class, has to endure the continuous abuses from the bullies in...
All Because of Love
Based on a true story, "Faithball" is a funny, inspiring and heartwarming tale surrounding a group of misfit kids who - along with their well-meaning...
Naughty Boys & Soldiers
We Are Family