Directed by Junya Sato and based on a book by Jun Henmi, "Yamato" has a framing story set in the present day and uses flashbacks to tell the story of...
Takashi works at a company, but he is tired of his boring days there and quits. At that time, Renchi, who got involved in a dangerous situation,...
Neet Neet Neet
Keisuke Kuroda wakes up in a hospital bed unable to remember who he is. While sneaking out of the hospital, he sees a glimpse of the news and...
Hit Me Anyone One More Time
The Japanese adaption of Agatha Christie's famous whodunit "Murder on the Orient Express".
Murder on the Orient Express
Before he was a protector, Kenshin was a fearsome assassin known as Battosai. But when he meets gentle Tomoe Yukishiro, a beautiful young woman who...
Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning
祈り ―幻に長崎を想う刻―
This is a “Movie in a Movie” like no other ever before. Kyoei, a historical film studio in Kyoto (Modeled on Toei), is asked by NHK to...
A Samurai Movie Rhapsody: Filming the Ultimate Swordfight
A history drama portraying the confrontation between the indigenous Ainu people living on Japan’s northernmost main island—then called...