In the small town of Vikarabad, Soumya, a rookie cop eager to prove herself, is paired with a sincere Officer Abhiram, to unravel the sinister...
Rishi Kumar is a billionaire and the CEO of Origins, someone who has always strived for the success he now owns. His friend Ravi needs help, how will...
Prisoner No. 299 is on the death row at Kalaghati Jail, One night before his death penalty, He vanishes from his cell. Chaitanya & Madhav are the...
From a schoolboy’s crush to a middle-aged bachelor’s office romance, four love stories spanning age, religion and status unfold in a...
C/o Kancharapalem
The relationship between a painter and his admirer unfolds as an abstract, twist-filled hide-and-seek game against the backdrop of murder and revenge.
A short spin-off of Story Discussion, a cult meta-fiction webseries. After the success of 'Sithara', Mohan Kumar sends writer Harsha to Goa, to come...
A Strange Tale