Miho (Kaho), a high school student, refuses to approve of her widowed mother’s potential husband when they meet each other at a restaurant. As...
Tokyo Girl
Shun Takeda is a high school student who gets bullied. He is forced to play Ikasama Mahjong. While playing Ikasama Mahjong, he notices a bad hand for...
Shin Usagi Yasei No Touhai
The story follows a guy named Ken who is struggling with his dream of being a musician in Tokyo. He has lost all songwriting inspiration. He returns...
Fukansho ni Natte Iku Korekara no Bokura ni Tsuite
In this suspenseful omnibus, three stories mingle humor with horror for a hauntingly realistic take on modern day fears.
Hitokowa 2: Deadly Hauntings
An apparitions of a young schoolgirl in a yellow rain hat, a family massacre, and a law student's suicide after he fails his bar exam are linked by...
Ju-On: White Ghost