In a private school built 70 years ago in wooded areas, tragic events begin to occur. Seemingly innocent occult play by a few girls turns into a...
Twilight Syndrome: Graduation
In Meiji-era Japan, a village of witches and wizards is slaughtered. Years later, an archaeologist discovers a mummy from the village, which...
Eko Eko Azarak II: Birth of the Wizard
At an all-girls school, a group of girls prepare for a stage performance of Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".
The Cherry Orchard
You know where you stand with this film inside five minutes, from the moment policewoman heroine Mika Hino (Shiratori) is made to strip off by bad...
Tokyo Blue: Case 1
A dispute also occurred at the Hitachi Union, an organization next to the Kanto Ichienkai, to which Hitoshi and Yoshiro belong. It is said that the...
Jingi 18: The Price of the Rebellion
Akikawa Reiko has been married for three years, has a banker husband and a seemingly happy married life, but has a secret side: she is a state secret...
Married Executioner R Mission 1: Bloody Mischief
In this installment of the Zero Woman series, Rei, the number-one assassin of the Tokyo Police Department's secret Zero Division, has been assigned...
Zero Woman: Dangerous Game
Two mismatched policewomen are assigned to guard and observe a released prisoner who has connections with a women-only gang who are suspected of...
The New Metropolitan Police Branch 82
Japan's greatest ever V-cinema franchise touches on life of a single mother gambler this time.
Yanmama Gambler
Tomoyo was the lover of Udo, a leading member of the Japanese mafia. When Udo disappears with a bundle of dirty money, she is a suspected accomplice....
Wild Criminal