Ataru, who suffers from “savant syndrome,” has the power to discover, observe, see through, and deduct microscopic evidence of unsolved...
Ataru: The First Love & The Last Kill
A passionate teacher, Kumiko Yamaguchi, a.k.a. Yankumi, is now overseeing the new students of Class 3D of Akado High School, who still have not...
Gokusen: The Movie
Shylock's Children
Famous Japanese chef Obana opens a new restaurant in Paris in the quest for his elusive third Michelin star. But Obana finds life as an outsider in...
Grand Maison Paris
Nobuyuki Sakisaka (Yuta Tamamori) is a salaryman. When he was in middle school student, he read light novel "Fairy Game”. He still has that...
The Land of Rain Trees
For this 16th Anniversary Special, Inagaki Goro is our host once again for 6 spooky tales based on tales from real people and performed here by an...
Honto Ni Atta Kowai Hanashi Natsu Hen 2015
"A world" - After graduating from a university, close friends Takashi Tsurug and Tomohiko Miwa begin work at a company which does brain research. One...
Parallel World Love Story
Tales of the Bizarre: 2014 Spring Special
Tales of the Bizarre: 2019 Rain Special
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